Cover by: פאתן ג'רוס ג'יריס
לב דואב, קולאז’ ומגזרות נייר, 15X13 ס”מ
حاولتُ أنْ أترجم لك الحرب
I Tried to Translate the War for You
Ghayath Almadhoun
May God curse physics
Why do the migrants drown and float on the water after they have breathed
Their last?
Why not the reverse?
Why doesn’t a person float when they are alive and drown when they are dead?
This anthology of poems is by the Palestinian-Syrian poet Ghayath Almadhoun, born in 1979. The anthology has been termed a poetic manifesto on refugeeism that ranges from questions of homeland, the situation in Syria, to the Arab diaspora in Europe. This volume includes a selection of his poems translated for the first time into Hebrew.
Translator: Daniel Behar | Translation editor: Fardus Habib Allah | Literary editor: Shoham Smith
Copy editor: Amira Binyamini-Nevo